The average house price on SEVERN TERRACE is £242,112
The most expensive house in the street is 6 SEVERN TERRACE with an estimated value of £363,939
The cheapest house in the street is 3 SEVERN TERRACE with an estimated value of £149,044
The house which was most recently sold was 6 SEVERN TERRACE, this sold on 22 Oct 2021 for £326,500
The postcode for SEVERN TERRACE is SY1 1PF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 SEVERN TERRACE Terraced £236,708 £190,000 15 Apr 2019
2 SEVERN TERRACE Terraced £185,943 £115,000 20 Dec 2013
3 SEVERN TERRACE Terraced £149,044 £80,000 6 May 2005
4 SEVERN TERRACE Terraced £215,296 £170,000 12 Dec 2017
5 SEVERN TERRACE Semi-Detached £301,746 £177,000 30 Nov 2012
6 SEVERN TERRACE Semi-Detached £363,939 £326,500 22 Oct 2021